Thursday, May 6, 2010

San Diego Part 1

On Saturday we loaded up the kids and headed to San Diego for a fun filled 2 days!!  We stopped in Escondido at Stone Brewery for a fantastic lunch, a walk in their beautiful gardens and of course, some beer tasting & shopping! This could either by Ty practicing his future bouncer look or irritated I was taking so long in the shop.....We took one of those bike thingys along the water to the trolly station & took the trolly to Petco park to the Padres Game!  It was a jersey give away night, more like dresses on the boys.  Ty really enjoyed it, the twins were a bit iffy, lasted about 4 innings and were more interested in the treats that kept coming up and down the rows.Mace & Daddy enjoying some clams & mussels after the game at the Fish Market on the water.  A perfect end to a perfect day!

1 comment:

VERN said...

Love the family pic at the brewery. Muy cute!!